Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stupid Subway people..

So I went to subway today after class. All I wanted was an egg sandwich, but that would be to easy. The only egg sandwich that subway sells after 11 is the bacon and egg sandwich. I don't eat bacon for health and religious reasons, so I ordered the sandwich without bacon. The subway girl spazzed and said "No I'm sorry sir but we cannot sell that sandwich without bacon on it. company policy!"

So I was all 'Uhmm... yeah... ok... can you just wrap the bacon seprately then?' She agreed and I went on with my order. After I paid I walked over to the trashcan, opened my bag, and threw the bacon away (they put the bacon in a cookie bag). I turned around and the subway girl was just glaring at me.

I dont think I will be welcomed back to subway anymore lol.

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